October 29, 2018

Gisele Rodrigues Atayde

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Gisele is a master’s student at the Integrated Engineering Group at University of São Paulo (EESC – USP). She has a bachelor degree in Business Administration at FGP University and specialization at the Industrial Engineering at University of São Paulo (EESC – USP). Her research focus is on Academic Entrepreneurship, with particular focus on application of technological planning in academic research groups, including agile project management techniques and technology management tools. Her professional experience includes small business consulting to insert innovation. Over 50 small companies attended by Sebrae and CNPq. She also taught disciplines of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Management and Innovation Laboratory, Scientific Methodology and Fundamentals of Administration in the FGP University being a course coordinator at the same institution. She has been a volunteer in projects to raise awareness and to support technological entrepreneurship within the university since 2015. Her research interests include academic spin-offs creation, technological entrepreneurship, technology project management and triple helix.

She is currently working in her master’s dissertation “Academic Leaders and their technology planning practices for academic spin-offs”.